Sophocles Oedipus the King. Washington Square Press
Wise, Jennifer Dionysus Writes. Cornell University Press, 1998
Walton, J. Michael Greek Theatre Practice. Greenwood Press, 1980
Pickard-Cambridge, Sir Arthur The Dramatic Festivals of Athens. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1953
Titus Andronicus
Shakespeare, William Titus Andronicus. Jonathan Bate Edition, Routledge, 1995
Carson and Karim-Cooper Shakespeare's Globe. Cambridge University Press, 2008
Shapiro, James A Year In the Life of William Shakespeare. Harper Collins, 2005
Ein Puppenhaus
Ibsen, Henrik A Doll's House Michael Myer Translation.
Ibsen, Henrik The Correspondance of Henrik Ibsen, Mary Morison Translation. Haskell House Publishers, 1970